What’s the best soap for COVID-19? Cleanliness and protection against germs are on everyone’s mind these days. But is there a best hand-washing solution? If we pit antibacterial soap against viruses, who wins?
The truth may surprise you. Read on to discover how you should be washing your hands and which soaps are your best bet during a pandemic.
The truth about antibacterial soaps
Health experts agree that the best soap for COVID-19 and any other virus is, in essence, any soap you intend to use. For the soap to keep you clean, you have to actually use it to wash your hands.
The second thing to keep in mind is that antibacterial soaps are really no more effective against a virus than any other kind of soap. Notice the word “bacteria,” not “virus,” is in the name of the soap.
Rather than the type of soap making the difference, it’s the technique that is important.
How to wash your hands
While experts admit that antibacterial soap’s effects against viruses is no better than those of other soaps, they do add that hand-washing in general does help slow the spread of disease. Research published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that hand-washing reduced the chances of catching a respiratory illness by 54 percent. So, don’t worry too much about whether you have the best soap for COVID-19. Simply use soap and water to wash your hands frequently.
However, in order to benefit from hand-washing, you must complete this task properly. A quick splash in the water won’t do. Health officials recommend washing your hands for 20 seconds. To track the time, hum “Happy Birthday” to yourself, or the alphabet song. By the time you get to the end of the tune of your choice, your hands should be clean.
Of course, you also have to scrub your hands. Simply holding them under the water for an entire rendition of the ABCs won’t get them clean. Use soap, and be sure to get your fingertips clean and not just your palms. Use back and forth rubbing and twisting with your fingers intertwined. Wash your thumb separately to make sure it gets clean, too.
When to wash your hands
Do this task often. If you’ve been in public places and have touched things that others have touched, you should wash your hands. If you’ve been around sick people, you should wash your hands. If you’re about to eat something, you should wash your hands. Most people don’t need to worry about doing this too often, since many people typically don’t do it enough.
Stay safe
It’s time to stock up on the best soaps to keep your hands germ free during COVID-19! Soaps & Scents has been making beautiful handmade soaps for over 25 years. We have bar and liquid soaps in a variety of fragrances and even some fun soaps, such as our Ducky or Cupcake soaps. We make everything by hand in small quantities, and all of our products are free of animal products. We also use the highest percentage of essential oil and fragrance oil that you can use, so the products will maintain their wonderful scent even years later. Shop our selection or reach out to us today with any questions at 619-341-2781.
Why Soy Wax Candles Make the BEST Gifts
Just about everyone loves candles. Whether you’re unwinding at the end of a long day or focusing on a project, scented candles add something special to any setting. We all have our reasons for loving candles, especially ones handcrafted from soy wax. When people come to Soaps & Scents to buy a gift, we highly recommend these candles. They are not only beautiful, but there are also the health benefits of soy wax candles to keep in mind.
Paraffin wax candles pose health threat
The health benefits of soy wax candles include the fact that these products do not use paraffin wax. Derived from petroleum and combined with additives, regularly burning paraffin candles poses a threat to you and your home.
The straight-chain hydrocarbons found in the petroleum used to make paraffin cables produce dark soot when burned. This soot finds its way into your linens, furniture and wall treatments. There’s also the soot left floating in the air that you breathe day in and day out.
To make paraffin wax candles as appealing as possible to consumers, manufacturers add chemicals to make the final product burn longer and look better. Additives such as vybar, mineral oil, polysorbate 80 and UV light inhibitor burn into your air every time you light a paraffin candle. This diminishes the indoor air quality of your home and could have severe repercussions for your respiratory health. Research from South Carolina State University reveals that long-term exposure may cause conditions such as asthma, allergies and certain types of cancer.
Environmental wellbeing and soy wax candles
Not only do people enjoy the benefits of soy wax candles, but our environment does as well. Instead of making candles with petroleum-based paraffin, soy wax supports local soybean farmers and their safe, natural, biodegradable and renewable crop. Making paraffin requires more petroleum, a non-renewable resource with a long history of negative environmental impact.
Additionally, soy wax candles do not contain any animal products, making them vegan friendly. Corporations profit from the animals they use to create the wax or tallow required to make candles. These businesses create so much pollution while needlessly bringing animals into this world only to exploit them for their resources. Choosing vegan soy candles minimizes the demand for animal-based candle-making ingredients.
Everyone wants a soy wax candle
Even if they don’t realize it, everyone you know would likely prefer a soy wax candle instead of a paraffin one. Burning longer, producing less heat, easier to clean and safer—always opt for soy wax candles when purchasing gifts for loved ones. These vegan, all-natural, handmade products make great presents for holidays, birthdays, graduations, retirements or any other special occasion.
All of the candles and melts we stock at Soaps & Scents are made with soy wax because we value the health benefits of soy wax candles. Available in a variety of styles and scents in reusable containers such as glass jars or coffee mugs, find the perfect gift for someone you love with our catalog of soy wax candles and melts. Feel free to visit our store to shop our wide selection of hand-crafted candles, melts, soaps or other products!
Smart Technology Focuses on Health and Safety
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues—and shows no signs of letting up anytime soon—technology companies are starting to get in on the new normal. Most of us learned to wash our hands before kindergarten, but time and complacency can easily take over. Many people were surprised to realize that washing their hands for 20 seconds (the CDC recommendation for killing the coronavirus) is a lot longer than they imagined it to be. Memes circulated around the internet suggesting 20-second songs (or portions of songs) to sing while handwashing.
Technology takes on handwashing
If you’re not willing to count to 20 or sing to yourself while you’re washing your hands, the new Apple watchOS 7 update has a new feature you’ll appreciate. When the watch detects that you’re washing your hands, either by handwashing motions, the sound of running water or both, it will keep track of how long you’re doing it. If you start to dry off before 20 seconds is up, the watch will prompt you to keep going.
Before you dismiss this as paternalistic or unnecessary, you might be surprised to know that this is getting the thumbs up from key industries. Some experts are predicting that this feature will be popular in the healthcare industry, since even healthcare workers have a hard time keeping up with the 20 seconds recommendation—and those are the folks on the front lines of the pandemic, who know the seriousness of killing the virus. If handwashing for 20 seconds is difficult for them, what hope is there for the rest of us?
One thing to consider, however: in addition to washing your hands thoroughly, you’ll also need to disinfect your Apple watch. Viruses don’t discriminate against surfaces to land on, and your wrist is close enough to your hand to accidentally spread the virus by touching your face.
If you have a different kind of smart watch, fear not—there are apps designed to address this issue for Android and other operating systems, so you too can have a helpful handwashing reminder.
In slightly lighter news, in the latest Apple Watch handwashing-related update, the company is also offering Memojis with face mask options. If that’s not a sign that COVID-19 is here for the foreseeable future, what is?
CDC handwashing guidelines
In case you’ve missed the CDC’s handwashing guidelines, the importance of washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds can’t be understated. The soap attacks the protective lipid layer of the virus, destroying its structure and rendering it harmless. Washing for 20 seconds is the only way to guarantee that you have cleaned long enough to kill the virus. Any type of soap is fine—breaking the lipid structure is what counts, not special antibacterial or anti-pathogen properties. Make sure to wash your hands anytime you come into contact with the outside world, and avoid touching your face.
Interested in natural, delicious-smelling soaps to up your handwashing game? Visit Soaps & Scents in El Cajon, CA or shop our selection online today.
The Effectiveness of Antibacterial Soap Against COVID-19
What’s the best soap for COVID-19? Cleanliness and protection against germs are on everyone’s mind these days. But is there a best hand-washing solution? If we pit antibacterial soap against viruses, who wins?
The truth may surprise you. Read on to discover how you should be washing your hands and which soaps are your best bet during a pandemic.
The truth about antibacterial soaps
Health experts agree that the best soap for COVID-19 and any other virus is, in essence, any soap you intend to use. For the soap to keep you clean, you have to actually use it to wash your hands.
The second thing to keep in mind is that antibacterial soaps are really no more effective against a virus than any other kind of soap. Notice the word “bacteria,” not “virus,” is in the name of the soap.
Rather than the type of soap making the difference, it’s the technique that is important.
How to wash your hands
While experts admit that antibacterial soap’s effects against viruses is no better than those of other soaps, they do add that hand-washing in general does help slow the spread of disease. Research published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that hand-washing reduced the chances of catching a respiratory illness by 54 percent. So, don’t worry too much about whether you have the best soap for COVID-19. Simply use soap and water to wash your hands frequently.
However, in order to benefit from hand-washing, you must complete this task properly. A quick splash in the water won’t do. Health officials recommend washing your hands for 20 seconds. To track the time, hum “Happy Birthday” to yourself, or the alphabet song. By the time you get to the end of the tune of your choice, your hands should be clean.
Of course, you also have to scrub your hands. Simply holding them under the water for an entire rendition of the ABCs won’t get them clean. Use soap, and be sure to get your fingertips clean and not just your palms. Use back and forth rubbing and twisting with your fingers intertwined. Wash your thumb separately to make sure it gets clean, too.
When to wash your hands
Do this task often. If you’ve been in public places and have touched things that others have touched, you should wash your hands. If you’ve been around sick people, you should wash your hands. If you’re about to eat something, you should wash your hands. Most people don’t need to worry about doing this too often, since many people typically don’t do it enough.
Stay safe
It’s time to stock up on the best soaps to keep your hands germ free during COVID-19! Soaps & Scents has been making beautiful handmade soaps for over 25 years. We have bar and liquid soaps in a variety of fragrances and even some fun soaps, such as our Ducky or Cupcake soaps. We make everything by hand in small quantities, and all of our products are free of animal products. We also use the highest percentage of essential oil and fragrance oil that you can use, so the products will maintain their wonderful scent even years later. Shop our selection or reach out to us today with any questions at 619-341-2781.