Are you interested in taking care of your body to improve your overall health and wellbeing? Why not start with your skin?

If you love the scents and rustic beauty of homemade soap, then swing by Soaps & Scents’ booth at the Applecrate Country Open House and Craft Fair!

This event will be held at
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 5150 Wilson Street, La Mesa, CA 91942.

Hours are:
4 pm to 7 pm on Thursday, August 30;
9 am to 6 pm on Friday, August 31;
9 am to 4 pm on Saturday, September 1.

Who we are

Here at Soaps & Scents, we believe that everyone should have bath bars and other body care products that leave their skin looking and feeling healthy, not irritated. Experiencing irritated skin after using commercial bath products is often a reaction to artificial dyes and perfumes, which are added into the mix as a way to boost their sensory appeal to consumers. In other words, a majority of mass produced soaps include coloring and fragrances that are not natural, nor gentle on skin.

Looking to move away from artificial ingredients?

Soaps & Scents’ bath products are unlike anything you’ll find on the shelves at big box stores. All our products—including bar soaps, liquid soaps, lotions, bath bombs, scrubs and more—are created in-house, always in small batches and nothing is ever outsourced. Additionally, because our products are made in small quantities, you can rest assured you’re taking home soaps and other bath products made from only the highest quality natural ingredients.

Products for sale in our booth and how we make them

Heading out to the Applecrate Country Open House and Craft Fair? Be on the lookout for handmade soaps and other bath products from Soaps & Scents! Here’s just a small sample of what you’ll find:

  • Bar soaps:
    To make our bar soaps, we start with 50 percent olive oil, which is then mixed with coconut oil, palm kernel oil and shea butter. What gives our soaps such a long lasting, pleasant scent is the pure essential oils and fragrance oils. These scents are so pure that how your favorite soaps smell today is how they will smell two years down the road! No animal products are ever used in our homemade soaps.
  • Lotions:
    Want a lotion that actually nourishes your skin and leaves your body feeling soft and smooth, not greasy? Our bath and body lotions have a special feature—they absorb quickly into your skin, moisturize it and leave no greasy residue behind. Ingredients include aloe vera and glycerine, which are beneficial for maintaining healthy skin cells, as well as vitamin A, vitamin D and other nourishing nutrients.
  • Sugar scrubs:
    Soaps & Scents has an all-natural exfoliating body scrub! Try it today and get baby soft skin in no time. Like our other products, all of our scrubs are handmade. We use a special mixture of cane sugar, jojoba, vegetable glycerine, shea butter and a variety of oils to create our non-toxic, skin exfoliating, skin rejuvenating sugar scrubs. Apply a small amount to your skin, rub it in, then rinse.

Mark your calendars for the Applecrate Country Open House and Craft Fair! Spend a day browsing through unique crafts, vintage items and specialty foods, but don’t leave until you get your favorite homemade soaps from Soaps & Scents. We hope to see you there!

Got Questions? Contact Us!

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  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
  • Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue

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